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Fantastic jersey. Only bad thing is the dumb “Rams” clothing tag on the left shoulder but I can live with that. Make a home uniform based on that, drop the gradient, and you’re good. It’s not hard, Rams. 


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The Rams have us in this unusual position to where this is such a huge improvement over the monstrosities they revealed a year ago that I almost don't want to critique these.


That said, I'm going to anyway. I'm relieved the numbers don't have a gradient like the blue ones, but I still really hate the numbers. I get that they're trying to evoke the shape of the ram horns inside the numbers, but it would look considerably better without the shiny lines of fabric. The same goes for the shoulder treatment. The glazy fabric is garish. 


One other nitpick: I don't care for the yellow trim going under the shoulders. I'm sure it has something to do with the blue on the shoulders not connecting to the end of the sleeve. But that little extra bit of yellow is a distraction. 

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On 7/7/2021 at 4:50 PM, Bathysphere said:

Prepared to eat my words, but I’ll bite the bullet and say that this seems fake to me. Like a fashion jersey design half-assedly derived from the home jersey that he ordered from a non-Nike party. If you watch the actual video in his Insta story (which is still up at this moment), you’ll find there are no swooshes visible above the TV numbers. I also question why TV numbers would be included at all at this point when they already decided they were unnecessary within the same design. Maybe to add a smidgen of blue to that area, but if you look at the player cut of the home jersey, the design clearly has no room for TV numbers. They also didn’t include the ‘LA’ logo patch on the back of the collar, which would be a strange discontinuity from the existing jerseys in the set. I feel similarly about the lack of piping within the numbers. Ive been wrong before, and based on what Andrew Whitworth said we may see something similar anyways, but this doesn’t add up.


You called it - the legit jersey is far better than the fake one that was "leaked". 

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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16 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

I guess as an outside observer I can see why you might wish that there was more contrast in these match-ups, but would you really expect either team to change based on what the other team is wearing?


Well here are some quick changes that would fix each example I provided: The Cardinals should completely remove black from their uniforms (although the Falcons recent changes removed some of the similarities). One of the Wolves or Mavs needs to bring green back into the fold. Minny seemed like they were going to, but for some reason only use it on one uniform. The Lightning & Canes need to incorporate more black & silver into their sets, which would make a huge difference.


16 hours ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

I don't. They're the same knee jerk reactions without any explanations as to why they're "fire" or "garbage", except on here the people are just being negative and whiny


Just because you don't agree with people, it doesn't mean they are being whiny. The majority of people on these boards are able to provide intelligent arguments to back up their opinions, and aren't just suckers for anything shiny & new that teams throw against the wall. 


6 minutes ago, Crabcake said:

Make a home uniform based on that, drop the gradient, and you’re good. It’s not hard, Rams. 


It is literally a white version of the current home uniform, minus the gradient numbers.


At this point they need to ditch the bone jerseys, along with every pair of pants that isn't yellow. 

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17 minutes ago, VDizzle12 said:


Can the "baggy t-shirt under tight jersey" trend go away. It's such a dumb look and I can't believe players are actually doing this for photo shoots.  Every photo the Rams posted has this. Makes no sense...

Who :censored: ing cares? I seriously never even notice this trend until y'all unnecessarily point it out.  It really isn't a big deal to me, and there's way more egregious uniform deviations to get pressed about than some dude having a shirt stick out from underneath his jersey. 


Anyways, I really like this look. Good on them realizing the bone-headed mistake and correcting it within the league's rules. 



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11 hours ago, MJD7 said:

I agree with this completely.  At the most basic, fundamental level, the purpose of a sports uniform is to distinguish one team from the other. That's why complimentary colors often make for great matchups, in my opinion (the Bills-Jets colorblind fiasco notwithstanding).


Actually, the most basic fundamental purpose of any uniform, sports or otherwise, is to identify the company itself, and its employees (or players) as members of said entity--many, as one (hence the "uni" in uniform; "one form".) Standing out from others becomes a secondary consideration-- and depending on the marketing gurus in charge, it becomes a pretty important (and to be frank, smart) consideration--but at what cost to the core essence of your identity? (That's also a good life lesson to learn, as well--there's a delicate balance to efforting to stand out versus being who you authentically are at the core and letting that essence speak for itself.)  Speaking of which...


18 minutes ago, LMU said:

Much better guys. Now throw everything bone in a pit and never speak of it again.





15 minutes ago, VDizzle12 said:


Get rid of the "bone" and all gradients.


Surprised they got Dickerson. He seemed pretty vocal about hating the new logos and uniforms.


Maybe they already realized their mistakes and are attempting to correct them. I'm assuming this will eventually be elevated to a primary uniform.


See...how hard was that to do in the first place??  All that bone stuff was utterly and as we see now ultimately unnecessary. This also clearly illustrates the bone I have to pick with the SCC (Swoosh Creative Complex): all those "unique, innovative" ideas crapped all over a well-established and well-beloved legacy brand, and when one of that organization's most-beloved figures speaks out against it (I'm sure he wasn't the only one), and the team itself starts backtracking from the "cutting edge innovation culture" (which in this case should have been left on the cutting room floor) back to what worked for so long--albeit with with few tasteful updates--this issue clearly reveals itself.  We also watched Cleveland backtrack to what worked; we watched Tampa Bay do this; we watched Jacksonville [over]do this; the jury's still out on Tennessee.  Even Oregon, for all its wild and crazy innovations, mostly keeps it tame now. 


All of which is a long-form way of saying: kudos, Rams, for realizing the error of y'alls ways, and getting back to what should have been all along. Now yes, throw the bone to the dogs, get the gradients off the home numbers and leave well enough alone.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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33 minutes ago, GriffinM6 said:

Who :censored: ing cares? I seriously never even notice this trend until y'all unnecessarily point it out.  It really isn't a big deal to me, and there's way more egregious uniform deviations to get pressed about than some dude having a shirt stick out from underneath his jersey. 


Anyways, I really like this look. Good on them realizing the bone-headed mistake and correcting it within the league's rules. 

it’s a sports UNIFORM forum, and these morons are altering the uniform to the point where what we see in unveilings is irrelevant because that’s not what’s on the field. 

If it doesn’t bother you then that’s fine, but if you’re upset that some people on this forum have issues with this, then this might not be the place for you. 

IMO they look like complete slobs and the fact that they intentionally hinder their performance shows their intellect. 

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14 minutes ago, BBTV said:

it’s a sports UNIFORM forum, and these morons are altering the uniform to the point where what we see in unveilings is irrelevant because that’s not what’s on the field. 

If it doesn’t bother you then that’s fine, but if you’re upset that some people on this forum have issues with this, then this might not be the place for you. 

IMO they look like complete slobs and the fact that they intentionally hinder their performance shows their intellect. 


I guess this is why I brought it up. In an era where everything wants to be tight, breathable, light, streamlined, etc. It doesn't make much sense just throw giant shirt on underneath everything. Especially when the purpose of these photoshoots is to show off a new uniform. Usually you want the presentation to make the product look as good as possible.


But everyone is entitled to their own options. Personally I like monochromatic looks, don't mind black alternates and embrace unique and modern looks. Things that tend to be hated by the majority here.

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If you ask me, the Rams should not have shown us the new look alongside the inspiration.  


Is there anyone who really believes the look on the right is better than the look on the left?  It just reinforces how good the original was and how the new look is just not as tight.  The pant stripes, socks, larger shoulder horns, no stupid name patch, it is all better.  Sorry Rams, you tried, but just returning to the earlier look would have been a better option. 



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1 minute ago, WideRight said:

If you ask me, the Rams should not have shown us the new look alongside the inspiration.  


Is there anyone who really believes the look on the right is better than the look on the left?  It just reinforces how good the original was and how the new look is just not as tight.  The pant stripes, socks, larger shoulder horns, no stupid name patch, it is all better.  Sorry Rams, you tried, but just returning to the earlier look would have been a better option. 



I understand the sleeves not being the same due to the size of them now vs the past, but I think they realized that "bone" was not what the fans want and now they're just going with the somewhat familiar to get people on board with the new look. I wonder if it's possible to start that horn a little bit onto the yoke to give it that look that mimics the Dickerson jersey, but that might be  a problem when lining up the shoulder and sleeve. 





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34 minutes ago, BBTV said:

it’s a sports UNIFORM forum, and these morons are altering the uniform to the point where what we see in unveilings is irrelevant because that’s not what’s on the field. 

If it doesn’t bother you then that’s fine, but if you’re upset that some people on this forum have issues with this, then this might not be the place for you. 

IMO they look like complete slobs and the fact that they intentionally hinder their performance shows their intellect. 

Intentionally hinders their performance get OUTTA  here lmao, it obviously isn’t a massive hindrance if athletes with millions of dollars on the line are doing it. I’ve gotten to the point where I understand your distaste for the trend and I respect that, but pretending that it “shows their lack of intellect” is really silly. 

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I *almost* like the leaked jersey better, but this is probably the right move, honestly. It's truly baffling that they didn't go with this as their original away jersey, it would have made the initial reveal look so much better, despite the other flaws still being present.


Now if they made this the permanent away jersey, removed the lines in the numbers and the segment in the horn (and warmed up the yellow), this would be a great Rams set to me. I could even tolerate the gradient numbers and the nametags, at that point.

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Thank you Rams! From now on that’s how you shoot! These whites and the blues over yellow pants are all they needed. That’s how it should’ve been from day 1. Throw those bone joints in the bin expeditiously.


Im so pleased with this. I loved the blue and this is all I wanted. This is a proper modernization of the classic Rams look and I’m here for it.

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11 hours ago, _DietDrPepper_ said:

Objectively an all black Raiders uniform doesn’t sound all that great. It doesn’t add a single thing to the brand.


And no, I mean I could care less what a team wore in the 80’s, their brand integrity still matters. Having two helmets can possibly dilute a brand, especially in a sport with as few a games, and with such a cultural focus on a helmet like football.

Not to mention this gets Nike one foot in the door for total NBA-ification.


Its not about solely about what the team wore in the past, yes a historic iconic team like the Raiders or Packers should definitely have 1 helmet only because of their history, but for most NFL teams, it’s about keeping the identity of the team together, people were just arguing about teams looking similar to each other, wouldn’t that increase if teams started having different options for the most important aspect of their uniform? 

Yeah yeah I get it. My whole point is that UNTIL the Raiders come out with a black helmet, I'm 99% sure the 2 helmet rule will only be used by certain teams for throwback uniforms and that you're all overreacting for no reason, hence my "knee jerk" comment. Any kind of change to the status quo isn't inherently a negative thing you know?

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