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Los Angeles Clippers Rebrand


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According to TruColor, their pantones are:

Navy 289

Red 186

Pacific Blue 279

Gray 422


These are the same pantones used by the Tennessee Titans except the Titans use Silver 421. The other three are the same. Also the Wizards use the same Navy and Red pantones, which are both very common.

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32 minutes ago, tajmccall said:

Cool lockup of the clippers logos.  

I think the Carnival Cruise ship in the crosshairs isn't a great mark, but the rest of it is very strong. You can minimize that global logo pretty easily, like most NBA teams do. 


Sidebar - anybody else find if odd that the NBA has requirements that the GLOBAL icon is the one that relies on the most English/words. Seems to me a Global icon should be the most symbolic and easiest to digest is your brand.  Seems like a giant waste to insist every team shoehorn their (often long) team / city names onto a logo.  The NFL and Soccer have no issue with this and their logos. 

It’s a proper name, it wouldn’t be translated anyways.

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17 minutes ago, McCall said:

According to TruColor, their pantones are:

Navy 289

Red 186

Pacific Blue 279

Gray 422


These are the same pantones used by the Tennessee Titans except the Titans use Silver 421. The other three are the same. Also the Wizards use the same Navy and Red pantones, which are both very common.

As you can see by what I have on my site, I am estimating the 422.

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This is one of the best rebrands I can ever recall. That red jersey is FIRE. Love the wordmarks too. I can't believe they dropped the black and brought back the nautical theme. 


The only complaint I have is the ship looks a little too much like a Royal Caribbean cruiseliner and not a clipper ship. It took me a while to realize those are sails and not levels of a cruise ship. 




Lot of people bringing up other teams like the Twins. Across all pro sports in the USA, we have to realize there's going to be some overlap right? Its like 120 teams... 

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Upgrade or downgrade?


I say upgrade on the logos and court, though I was surprised they distanced themselves from the blacktop motif in the move to Inglewood for more of the nautical theme (though an argument could be made for it's location to Long Beach, etc.)


The uniforms are a major downgrade.... Nobody has nostalgia for the awful Clippers of the 80s and 90s, so why bring back these generic uniforms?

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1 hour ago, tajmccall said:

Cool lockup of the clippers logos.  

I think the Carnival Cruise ship in the crosshairs isn't a great mark, but the rest of it is very strong. You can minimize that global logo pretty easily, like most NBA teams do. 


Sidebar - anybody else find if odd that the NBA has requirements that the GLOBAL icon is the one that relies on the most English/words. Seems to me a Global icon should be the most symbolic and easiest to digest is your brand.  Seems like a giant waste to insist every team shoehorn their (often long) team / city names onto a logo.  The NFL and Soccer have no issue with this and their logos. 


Agree fully about the ship. The bow needs to be less pronounced so that you can tell the sails are sails and not decks of a cruise liner. 

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I haven't posted here in a long while, but I really like the new look that the Clippers are coming with.  I'm okay with the primary logo, but I'm happy that the scripted wordmarks are back, and they actually look better than the older scripted wordmark from the Sterling era.  The one thing that I would change on the color uniforms is adding a thin outline around "Clippers" and "Los Angeles" to make it show more.  Beyond that, I like the rebranding...it sure as hell is better than the soon-to-be former branding.  8/10, if I were to give a grade.

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There's a lot to like here... the typography is excellent as always and the primary mark with the ship-ball-compass emblem hits a sweet spot of being able to immediately pick out all three elements without a single one being too forced or heavy-handed. 


On the negative side, I don't care for the heavy reliance on navy/nautical blue. It's a design choice that makes sense in the context of the direction, but the Clippers have been tied to light blue and royal blue for so long and the darker blue isn't clicking for me. Even the almost entirely navy blue court and logos are giving me flashbacks of Nautica or a knock-off Tommy Hilfiger:






Again, it makes total sense if you're going in this preppy sailing/nautical direction...  which would certainly be a choice, but I just don't see the team leaning enough into that direction to establish it as a long-term identity in the modern NBA.



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Oh, wow! A while back, I actually suggested that they should go with a navy, red, and light blue color scheme and a Columbus Clipper-styled logo. They went with almost exactly what I suggested for them to do.


I'm still surprised they went this route though, as I really doubted the creativity revolving around a Steve Ballmer ownership after the previous ClipArt reveal. The execution of the logos, at least with the roundels, really don't come off as sports logos to me, but can be used as sports logos in the right applications. Using a roundel in general doesn't surprise me, but I believe it works for this brand. The colors are also fine, though I would've preferred to see a little more usage of light blue, even if it was still a third color.


It's easy to call it an upgrade based on what they have now, but I think they did a really good job here. An identity of their own.



Also, the Twins comparisons shouldn't even be an issue. They play in separate sports leagues! They won't see each other.


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I'd say that both the court and the uniforms are improvements over what they had.


But, if the team was going to reach back into its history, then it should have brought in the beautiful San Diego-era letter and number fonts.  Also, the colours from that set had the feel of the sea, and would go well with a newly re-emphasised nautical theme.


NBA Jersey Database, San Diego Clippers 1978-1982 Record:...



The beauty of the number font is best seen on the numbers 2, 3, and 4. 



World-B-Free-Clippers.png   landover-mdbill-walton-of-the-san-diego-clippers-looks-on-against-the-washington-bullets.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=vJBRa8PunKnHpGHPzrBRRHb83tPX5U8N-KctiNu2vkI=



A bonus: the name "Clippers" was spelt out in semaphore on the sides of the shorts.  That's the kind of nice extra touch that feels in keeping with the placement of the latitute and longitude on the new court.


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26 minutes ago, GFB said:

Even the almost entirely navy blue court and logos are giving me flashbacks of Nautica or a knock-off Tommy Hilfiger:







OMG I knew this all reminded me of something and it was an apparel brand! 😆

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Might be the best Clippers logo since the San Diego days. My only gripe is the logo looks like a cruise ship. I get what they were going for but maybe they should've done it from a different angle.


This is def one of the best rebrands in this era. 

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2 hours ago, bowld said:


I REALLY want to know who thought this was a good idea. Right up there with OKC as the worst logo of all time 


I've always been more forgiving of this logo than most just because of the circumstances. It was a last-minute rush job to get rid of a logo that was associated with the worst owner in sports history. Looking at the Washington Football Team/Commanders clownshow, it could have been a whole lot worse.


OKC has no excuse. The Nets are worse than both - their move to Brooklyn was announced seven years in advance but the branding looks like it was thrown together in an afternoon.

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POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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1 hour ago, GFB said:

There's a lot to like here... the typography is excellent as always and the primary mark with the ship-ball-compass emblem hits a sweet spot of being able to immediately pick out all three elements without a single one being too forced or heavy-handed. 


On the negative side, I don't care for the heavy reliance on navy/nautical blue. It's a design choice that makes sense in the context of the direction, but the Clippers have been tied to light blue and royal blue for so long and the darker blue isn't clicking for me. Even the almost entirely navy blue court and logos are giving me flashbacks of Nautica or a knock-off Tommy Hilfiger:






Again, it makes total sense if you're going in this preppy sailing/nautical direction...  which would certainly be a choice, but I just don't see the team leaning enough into that direction to establish it as a long-term identity in the modern NBA.




Agreed... Very surprising when they had spent the last few years seemingly courting an inner city-style look and are now moving even more inner city to Inglewood. 

This is like moving from being a wannabe gangster in Brentwood to being a wannabe preppie in Inglewood. 

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They aren't terrible, definitely an upgrade on what they had. The logo is meh (and a bit too much like the Columbus Clippers) but still a huge upgrade over the NBA Live logo and its counterparts.


They remind me of the Twins just with the red and navy swapped. Right down to the similar font.


And I think the red and navy jersey need white outlines around the wordmarks or they might get lost from a distance.


The red is the best of the bunch. And to me I would have swapped the navy and "pacific" blue in the color hierarchy and made the away/icon the latter. But I guess if fans didn't like the black then navy is the next best thing in terms of marketing/merch and stuff and still ties in with blue that they always worn.

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37 minutes ago, Lights Out said:


I've always been more forgiving of this logo than most just because of the circumstances. It was a last-minute rush job to get rid of a logo that was associated with the worst owner in sports history. Looking at the Washington Football Team/Commanders clownshow, it could have been a whole lot worse.


OKC has no excuse. The Nets are worse than both - their move to Brooklyn was announced seven years in advance but the branding looks like it was thrown together in an afternoon.

OKC's is abhorrent in that they still use a horrible abstract art piece that was a placeholder before they even had a name picked out.  Even worse is that if that piece of trash was a child it'd be getting its drivers license right about now.  When that thing made its debut the Warriors still used the lightning Power Ranger and the Sixers still had the Iverson-era logo.  With Bennett fleecing the public yet again for a new arena they really have no excuse to not, you know, actually have a logo that has something to do with Thunder.


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